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이건 로뎅 미술관 갔을때 인상적이였던 the kiss라는 작품 입니다.
로뎅의 조각에는 애절함과 생명력이 강하게 느껴지는 듯 합니다.
참고로 주석이 달린 내용을 원문으로 올립니다.
The Kiss
This embracing couple represents Paolo and Fancesca, figures from Dante's masterpiece. It is one of the groups created for The Gate of Hall.
Rodin removed it from this project in1886. Ths first was exhibited in 1887 and called The Kiss by critics.
It was so successful that the government commissioned the marble for the 1889 Universal Exhibition.
Yet it was not exhibited before1898, at the same time as Balzac, and again in 1900.
It was extremely popular: two marble copies were made and are now in London and Copenhagen, along with many smaller bronze copies by Barbedienne.
Rodin felt that the work was still highly academic; yet today, the Kiss symbolizes Rodin's sculpture.
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